Good News for New Drivers - Keith Mace

Road safety is always in the headlines and rightly so, it is important for every road user on foot or on wheels (however many) to be able to go about their lives in safety on the roads. The Police do their best to enforce the law, but we are told that the number of dedicated Traffic Officers is falling so there is a limit to what can be achieved there. Additionally, Norfolk County Council has disbanded its’ Road Safety Dept. and diverted the funding to the safety camera partnership, which can only detect offending drivers, it cannot stop them. It has also been reported that the Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) figure has stagnated, so it is now more important than ever for all drivers and riders to be properly trained.

IAM RoadSmart (formally the Institute of Advanced Motorists) is the largest independent road safety charity in the country, and is at the forefront of advanced driver training, and advanced training is ultimately the best way to give drivers the skills they need to avoid being involved in crashes and, thus, reduce road casualties.

Statistics show that the under 25 age group is the most vulnerable group of drivers when it comes to crashes and inexperience is very often the underlying cause of many such incidents. Unfortunately experience cannot be taught, but the skills on which new drivers can build experience can, and that is what IAM RoadSmart does.

Now there is a new incentive for under 25 drivers to come forward and gain those skills, as The Norfolk & Norwich Group of Advanced Motorists (NNAM), which is affiliated to IAM RoadSmart, is offering a partial refund of the cost of a course.

All that is needed in order to take advantage of this initiative is to join IAM RoadSmart as an Associate member. You can join by calling 0300 303 1134 and paying £175, which is the total cost of the course, it covers 1 year membership of IAM RoadSmart, 1 year membership of NNAM, the cost of the test and a book containing all the course work. You will then be allocated to the Norfolk & Norwich Group and we will allocate you to an Observer who will then conduct the course with you on a one to one basis. When you have completed the course and taken the Advanced Driving Test, we will refund £75 of the course fee.

Full details can be found on our website at or if you want more information you can call the group secretary on 01263 732997.