The Advanced Driving Test

The examiners are all holders of the Police Advanced Driving Certificate and are all serving or ex-police officers with extensive experience of Traffic Patrol duties.

The examiner is there to assess you and your standard of driving which shouldn't be any different from your last few drives with your Observer.

Your drive should be:

Safe - Safety is the most important aspect of all driving. Position and speed must always be sacrificed for safety, but safety must never be sacrificed for any reason. The driver's/rider's objective is to maintain safe progress by identifying hazards early and planning how to deal with them safely and efficiently.

The four key skills of advanced driving are Concentration, effective all-round Observation, Anticipation and Planning. Advanced Driving is using these skills properly and coordinating them with good handling skills to ensure that your driving/riding is...

Systematic - The System of Car Control is a way of approaching and negotiating all situations that are safe, methodical, and leaves nothing to chance. The IAM uses the Police System of Car Control. 

Smooth - If your vehicle control and handling skills are properly coordinated with your perceptual and awareness skills, your driving will not only be safe and systematic, but it will also be smooth.

Speed (correct use of) - The ability to make progress is an important advanced driving skill, but progress must never compromise safety. Excess speed (speed above the statutory limit) and inappropriate speed (excessive speed for the circumstances, regardless of the statutory limit) are dangerous and are not acceptable.

After the Test

In proving that your driving is of an advanced level, you have set yourself a level to maintain. Passing the advanced test gives you the right to display the Institutes badge on your vehicle and therefore provide visible proof of the standard you have set yourself.