26th February 2023 - Ride out to Aylesham Garden Centre - Dave Cusdin

The original destination was listed to a cafe adjacent to Blickling Hall, however a quick recce earlier in the week highlighted parking issues as well as the cafe being somewhat bijou.

I made the decision to change the destination to the Four Seasons coffee shop which is located within the Aylesham garden centre. It proved to be the the right decision when we had the best turn out of the year to date with fourteen bikes turning up. Ian C was taking a potential member on a familiarisation ride so that left 12 bikes which were split into 3 groups. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Roly and Euan for leading two of the groups.

The route was fairly straight forward - A47 then diverting through Leziate at Middleton onto the B1145. This led us all the way to Aylesham where the cafe was located just off the A140. The B1145 is generally a quiet road which encompasses a myriad of riding conditions from fast sweeping bends to single track roads. In places it can be technically demanding and there is always hazardous road conditions to catch the unwary out. The road has its fair share of potholes which can hit your pocket in a car but be far more serious if caught unawares on a motorcycle.

All 3 (4) groups arrived within minutes of each other and a pleasant hour was spent catching up whilst keeping the cafe staff busy. Mel and Karen joined us in their car and Mel is credited with taking the group photograph.

The return journey for most was via Saxthorpe, Melton Constable and Fakenham. The weather was cool but kind and it was a most enjoyable ride out.

Until the next one - Dave C